Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

故事"借你一把傘" Story Time: Use My Umbrella

-Pre-reading: Use your imagination
想一想, 甚麼東西像雨傘? Brainstorming, what looks like an umbrella?

書名 book title: 借你一把傘
文/圖 小出保子 Text/ illustrations Yasuko Koide 1996
Originally published in 1996 by Fukuinkan Shoten. Publisher, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
出版 上誼文化實業股份有限公司. 台北, 台灣. Chinese text 2000 by Hsin Yi Publications, Taipei, Taiwan.

-開始老師導讀 Start Teacher Guide Reading
(Rewrite & paraphrase an original text.)
*下雨了, 小女孩娜娜沒有帶傘。It's raining, a little girl, Na Na doesn't have an umbrella.

*小螞蟻來了, 帶來了牠的傘 牠說:"借你一把傘" 。
Little ant comes, he brings his own umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella".

*青蛙來了, 帶來了牠的傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。 但是青蛙的傘是漏斗傘。
Frog comes, he brings his own umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella". But his umbrella is a funnel.

*兔子來了, 帶來了牠的傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。 但是兔子的傘會漏雨。
Rabbit comes, she brings her own umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella". But her umbrella is leaking.

*小狸來了, 帶來了牠的芋頭葉傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。 啊! 雨滿出來了。
Beaver comes, he brings his taro leave umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella". Oops! The rain is full.

*大熊來了, 帶來了牠的荷葉傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。但是 好大又好重。
Here comes Bear, he brings his lotus pad and says,"Use my umbrella". But it's so big and heavy.

*小狗帶著傘跑過來了。 Dog is running with an umbrella.

*啊!那就是娜娜的傘嘛! Wow! That's Nana's umbrella.

After reading
-討論 Discussion
1.學習動物們帶來的葉子傘名稱 Learning names of the leaves that every animal brings.
2.各種動物帶來的葉子的形狀和大小 The shapes and size that every animal brings.
3.說一說那個傘好用 還是不好用 為什麼? Talk about which umbrella is good to use or not, why?
4.各式各樣的傘像是 折傘,自動傘,日本的紙傘 All kinds of umbrellas like folding umbrella, automatic ones or Japanese paper umbrella.

-活動 Activity
老師準備三~四把傘 Teacher prepared 3 to 4 umbrellas.

*老師說: 下雨了, 兩個人撐一把傘。 Teacher says,"It's raining, 2 people in an umbrella."
~~Students run to find and stand under an umbrella, and get the correct number of people based on what Teacher said~~~~
*在雨傘下面的學生說: 下雨了, 我們兩個人撐一把傘。 Ss who are under the same umbrella say together,"It's raining, we two have an umbrella".
*沒有找到傘的學生一起說,下雨了,我們沒有傘, 我們是落湯雞! Ss who can't find an umbrella to get a group, they say together,"It's raining, we don't have an umbrella. We are all wet".

~~This could run 3 times and Teacher changes the number of students when s/he gives an order to the class. Based on the class size, it's fun!~~~

-文化小常識 Cultural Capsule
我們不送傘給朋友 因為 傘和散是諧音(homonyms or homonymic; representing sound of characters)

*在中華的文化裡, 我們不送傘給朋友,因為"傘"的發音跟"散"是一樣,而"散"有分開/分別的意思,不太吉利。
所以,可以借傘給朋友 不要送傘。
In Chinese culture, people don’t give an umbrella to their friends because the pronunciation of(傘)umbrella is the same as散,which also means separate. If people give an umbrella to a friend, it is unlucky since they give a forever goodbye (separation) to a friend. So people can lend an umbrella or borrow it instead of saying, I will give送 you an umbrella.

~~~A handout is given, Ss can see how an umbrella transforms its character. And includes the bilingual text above~~~

Friday, October 23, 2009

小男孩唱老歌 A Little Boy Sings an Old Song

小朋友會唱兒歌, 但是這個十歲的小男孩會唱老歌喔。
Children can sing children songs, but this 10-year-old boy can sing an old song.

大家聽聽看吧! Let's listen.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

字典 More than just an on-line dictionary

陳老師在上禮拜天提到了 部首 ,大家可以在這個連結 link:
MDBG 中英線上字典

進去這個線上字典, 左邊有一個筆畫 Radical / strokes

For example: 口 (Its total stroke is 3) 你們會看到左邊Strokes的column 有一個3
you'll find 口 in "3 column". 口 is the first word. Click it. You will enter in Characters 字 page. Let's take 吃 as an example. In 吃, excluding a radical (部首)口, how many strokes are left in this part, 乞? The answer is three, you spend three strokes to finish 乞. So you will find 吃 in "3 column". Vice versa 吵 is in "4 column" because 少 are 4 strokes. Last but not least, you can click the word 吃. You can not only choose icons of a pen to see how you write this word, but also choose the icon of a magnifying glass to see English definition. G is for Google, you can know more information about this word or its related knowledge.

工欲善其事,必先利其器: To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools.
Hope this dictionary could be a helpful tool when you learn Chinese.

* If you're interested more about radical, 部首, please visit this link,

Friday, October 9, 2009

拼圖遊戲 Puzzle Game

各位三年級的同學 大家好,

你們可以從這些拼圖(puzzle) 複習我們第一課和第二課學過的中文字 ^___________^

試試看 try them out~










resource Chinese Digger
provided by

Sunday, March 22, 2009

五年級3/29 Mid-term 期中考

1. 生字 (a copy that I gave you guys)
2. 六個新的詞寫一行
3. 錄音 p24~25(try to practice several times before recording)****

3/29 考試:
1. 要會寫出來的動物 (貓, 狗, 猴, 獅, 老虎, 象, 河馬, 豬, 鯨魚)

2. 那六個新詞造句或改錯 (可惜...否則, 養貓, 說明書, 會計師, 抹一抹,加熱)

3. 口試/ 寫作 (Oral test based on a picture and then write about it)

****錄音作業 How to start recording?
錄音工具 (可直接email交作業)
1.Windows XP/Vista Recorder (從StartAll programsAccessories, Entertainment)XP版有分鐘數限制
2. Audacity 1.3 Beta版, 可用Export的方式存成.wav或.mp3(無時間限制)

請星期日以前寄到我的信箱(Please send your recording homework to my email BEFORE SUN.)
Good luck!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Test Information

Here is a link to my Google Site page.
About Children's Chinese Competence Certification & Test Of Proficiency-Huayn

Sunday, March 15, 2009


今天在二年級的班 有個部分是顏色的學習

我通常都是提問題問大家 小朋友可以自由舉手發言

當我們聊到"黃色" 我問: 有什麼水果是黃色的? 很多人異口同聲說:香蕉


我一開始沒反應過來,所以問她為什麼? 是因為你喜歡吃香蕉嗎? 她說不是! 但是她不知道原因

後來幾秒鐘與後排媽媽眼神交流, 我恍然大悟 緊接著跟小朋友們解釋: 因為你們(我們)皮膚都是黃色的 是黃種人,你們的爸爸媽媽也是黃種人,而你們在美國出生,上學(美國人是白種人-->(我有質疑我自己的話?)) 就像是香蕉一樣!


Sunday, February 1, 2009


* Aim: Through a game, students concentrate on listening, speaking skills and help eye-hand coordination.
*Students will be able to know new vocabularies (up , down , left , right
* pre-learning: review a word and its phrases (拍, 洗, 機, 捕)

*Game 1: Listen very carefully and pick up "the hand" you heard.

Even big kids are engaging in this exciting game.

* Game 2: 找的尾巴 Pin a horse's Tail

Sunday, January 25, 2009

春節鞭炮製作 Chinese New Year--Firecrackers Making



雖然在台灣過年也很少放鞭炮了 在美國長大的小朋友們更不知道放鞭炮的由來

學習語言 文化真是一個重要的部分 適當的把文化轉化有趣成中文課程一部分 效果很好

我特別說了一個年獸的故事 最後再來做鞭炮 可以不用一定要做傳統的紅色鞭炮

製作過程他們非常專心 也很開心


In modern days of Taiwan, people seldom let off firecrackers during Chinese New Year. Children who are born in the U.S. may never know why traditional firecrackers are used for. I told a story about Year monster before making firecrackers. Students could choose any color they want to make their own firecrackers instead of traditional red ones.

When my students made Chinese firecrackers, they were so engaged and had a good time. While it’s time to go home, they didn’t want to stop it and wanted to make their firecrackers as long as they can.

Learning a foreign language, one of the most important parts is learning its culture. Language teachers should add a cultural story according to special holidays. Or design some interesting cultural activities into their curriculum.

Sometimes parents' help in a hand-on activity in class is necessary especially for young children.

Listening Comprehension (student's input and output)

To practice Chinese listening skill, I plan a fun mini-lesson. Based on what we've learned, I am as a narrator and invite a volunteer to act out what I'm saying. In this way, I would know who can understand me, Through some volunteers' performance, the rest of the class could also observe what they are doing and perceive what the teacher's Chinese narrative means.

I'm saying, "The wind is so strong, so strong. I almost fall down."
老師說: 風很大!風很大!要跌倒了!!

Brian is walking in the strong wind. He did a good job!

Monday, January 5, 2009

蘿蔔蹲 Carrots Bend

*Game: 蘿蔔蹲 "Carrots Bend"
* Goal of a lesson: Color recognition (review words-白, 紅) (new words-綠, 黑, 黃 )

How to play--One student (for example, who wears a white-carrot head band) starts saying, "白蘿蔔蹲, 白蘿蔔蹲, 白蘿蔔蹲完, (紅)蘿蔔蹲" after saying the first three phrases, he must point to one of the other carrots and say, (color) carrot bend. That (red) carrot was pointed out must say the chant like this, "紅蘿蔔蹲, 紅蘿蔔蹲, 紅蘿蔔蹲完, (?)蘿蔔蹲" right away. Then, the game repeats the chant depending on which carrot is called.
For the first run, students can say the chant slowly. For the
second or third run maybe the teacher can add more carrots in this game or speed up the chant depending on students' ability.

*Materials: a various color-carrots head bands .


(White carrot and Green carrot)

這是一個很有趣的遊戲唷! it's such a fun game!

他是黑蘿蔔! He’s black carrot!