Sunday, November 16, 2008

是誰的香蕉? Whose banana? (Role-Play)

* Activity: role-play (2 students are pulling a banana. One student who is standing in a middle wears a yellow rain coat as a banana. As they act out, they say, "this banana is mine?" A teacher makes a sound, shu~~~ Meanwhile, the student (Banana) is taking off the rain coat and escaping from pulling hands. Then one of the student says, Fine! Now this banana skin is yours!

Here is a text and recording.

Monday, November 10, 2008

秋天的葉子 Autumn

* Activity: Using leaves and creativity to make an art work
* Word Recognition/ Comparison: 了 子
秋天來了,(Autum is coming). 葉子掉了(leaves are falling).

火雞 turkey

她說: 秋天葉子都掉光了!
She's saying, in fall leaves fall.

My face