Thursday, November 19, 2009

故事"借你一把傘" Story Time: Use My Umbrella

-Pre-reading: Use your imagination
想一想, 甚麼東西像雨傘? Brainstorming, what looks like an umbrella?

書名 book title: 借你一把傘
文/圖 小出保子 Text/ illustrations Yasuko Koide 1996
Originally published in 1996 by Fukuinkan Shoten. Publisher, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
出版 上誼文化實業股份有限公司. 台北, 台灣. Chinese text 2000 by Hsin Yi Publications, Taipei, Taiwan.

-開始老師導讀 Start Teacher Guide Reading
(Rewrite & paraphrase an original text.)
*下雨了, 小女孩娜娜沒有帶傘。It's raining, a little girl, Na Na doesn't have an umbrella.

*小螞蟻來了, 帶來了牠的傘 牠說:"借你一把傘" 。
Little ant comes, he brings his own umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella".

*青蛙來了, 帶來了牠的傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。 但是青蛙的傘是漏斗傘。
Frog comes, he brings his own umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella". But his umbrella is a funnel.

*兔子來了, 帶來了牠的傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。 但是兔子的傘會漏雨。
Rabbit comes, she brings her own umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella". But her umbrella is leaking.

*小狸來了, 帶來了牠的芋頭葉傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。 啊! 雨滿出來了。
Beaver comes, he brings his taro leave umbrella and says, "Use my umbrella". Oops! The rain is full.

*大熊來了, 帶來了牠的荷葉傘 牠說:"借你一把傘"。但是 好大又好重。
Here comes Bear, he brings his lotus pad and says,"Use my umbrella". But it's so big and heavy.

*小狗帶著傘跑過來了。 Dog is running with an umbrella.

*啊!那就是娜娜的傘嘛! Wow! That's Nana's umbrella.

After reading
-討論 Discussion
1.學習動物們帶來的葉子傘名稱 Learning names of the leaves that every animal brings.
2.各種動物帶來的葉子的形狀和大小 The shapes and size that every animal brings.
3.說一說那個傘好用 還是不好用 為什麼? Talk about which umbrella is good to use or not, why?
4.各式各樣的傘像是 折傘,自動傘,日本的紙傘 All kinds of umbrellas like folding umbrella, automatic ones or Japanese paper umbrella.

-活動 Activity
老師準備三~四把傘 Teacher prepared 3 to 4 umbrellas.

*老師說: 下雨了, 兩個人撐一把傘。 Teacher says,"It's raining, 2 people in an umbrella."
~~Students run to find and stand under an umbrella, and get the correct number of people based on what Teacher said~~~~
*在雨傘下面的學生說: 下雨了, 我們兩個人撐一把傘。 Ss who are under the same umbrella say together,"It's raining, we two have an umbrella".
*沒有找到傘的學生一起說,下雨了,我們沒有傘, 我們是落湯雞! Ss who can't find an umbrella to get a group, they say together,"It's raining, we don't have an umbrella. We are all wet".

~~This could run 3 times and Teacher changes the number of students when s/he gives an order to the class. Based on the class size, it's fun!~~~

-文化小常識 Cultural Capsule
我們不送傘給朋友 因為 傘和散是諧音(homonyms or homonymic; representing sound of characters)

*在中華的文化裡, 我們不送傘給朋友,因為"傘"的發音跟"散"是一樣,而"散"有分開/分別的意思,不太吉利。
所以,可以借傘給朋友 不要送傘。
In Chinese culture, people don’t give an umbrella to their friends because the pronunciation of(傘)umbrella is the same as散,which also means separate. If people give an umbrella to a friend, it is unlucky since they give a forever goodbye (separation) to a friend. So people can lend an umbrella or borrow it instead of saying, I will give送 you an umbrella.

~~~A handout is given, Ss can see how an umbrella transforms its character. And includes the bilingual text above~~~

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